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Proactive Health Planning for Better Outcomes

Annual Wellness Visits

Our Annual Wellness Visit program supports your practice by offering personalized preventive care plans for your patients, helping them stay healthier throughout the year.

Proactive Care Starts Before the Visit

Simple Scheduling

Before a patient ever steps into your office, we’ve got everything set up. Our team coordinates appointments and verifies eligibility, so you can focus on care, not paperwork.

Personal Touch in Care Planning

We call your patients a few days before their visit to discuss their health and set goals. It’s not just about a check-up — it’s about building a roadmap to better health that fits their life.

Health Risk Assessments Made Easy

Identifying Needs, 
Enhancing Care

During our calls, we conduct a Health Risk Assessment that helps spot any gaps in care. We address these gaps with customized advice and adjustments to ensure each patient is on their ideal path to wellness.

Everything Documented, Nothing Missed

Our nurses document each assessment directly into your EMR. Plus, we send you an Annual Wellness Guide and Checklist to make sure you have all you need for a comprehensive visit.

Annual Wellness Visits are just the start. We’re here to support you and your patients throughout the year, ensuring continuous care that makes a real difference.

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